"burn after reading"

"But the changes wrought by fire are changed in substance: that which has been licked by fire has a different taste in the mouths of men. That which fire has shone upon retains as a result an ineffaceable colour. That which fire has caressed, loved, adored, has gained a store of memories and lots its innocence. In slang “flambe” is synonymous with “dead and done for” and is used in place of an indecent word that is charged with sexuality."
--Gaston Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire

To dream of sun exposure represents a renewed sense of optimism.  You are experiencing noticeable or lasting results from something that benefits you.  You have been exposed to a situation which brings you good luck or success.  

Burning releases emotions or energy.  Sometimes our emotions are so strong they may burn away former habits, attitudes, or feelings that have led us to the pain we have encountered.  It signifies the removal of past emotions.  

Burning may also mean warmth.  


(Witches series // Carter Murdoch
