' fairytale '

"The usual aim of the fable is to teach a lesson by drawing attention to animal behavior and its relationship to human actions and shortcomings.  Animals in fables speak metaphorically of human nature.  The animal is not the real subject of the story; rather a demonstration of the parallel distances between two worlds."

Depending upon how the animal in your dream is presented, and what it is doing, dream animals represent your basic needs and drives stripped of their social forms of expression-- at their most raw.


As such, the animal can portray your relationship with the unconscious fundamental life processes in you.  Dreams depict these processes as intelligent and responsive.  Remember when looking at the animal in your dreams, you yourself are an animal.  You as a person, are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body.  Your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years.  It holds this information within its subconscious.  The animal in your dreams depicts this ancient wisdom and how you relate to it.  It shows you how you are dealing with the urges in you that are natural, but might need to be transformed in some way.


Animals are one of the most frequent of symbols that appear in dreams.  Because we project characteristics onto animals, we may therefore dream of an animal to represent the feelings we have about a person or circumstance.  Dream animals are complex symbols, and they portray a wide spectrum of meaning.  Each animal is also given an entry, as the character of the various animals suggests different things to us.  They are giving you insight into how to care for the instinctive, the spontaneous, and the natural in you.

