New Moon Wishes: Love with the patience of mountains; I deserve happiness.

The Dark Moon in Taurus on May 17-18 brings special awareness to your physical self.  Attune your energies to that of your body and the earth.  Take time during this dark moon phase to connect with your earthly senses (sound, taste, scent, sight, and touch).  Turn off the outside world if need be while you focus in to your own personal needs and desires.  Seclusion is key.  If you are feeling ungrounded, you may be spending too much time in the past and or future.  It is very easy to become distracted with thoughts not immediate to now and forget about the needs of your physical body and soul.  Focus on staying within the present moment: 'love with the patience of mountains; I deserve happiness.' A beneficial way to combat obsessive thinking is to compose a list of your new moon dreams and aspirations...  Reaffirm your goals in love, home, and prosperity.  This is a wonderful moon for abundance and creativity.  Exercise your natural gifts and talents to nourish the world within yourself as you manifest the universe without.  
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