strawberry rose girl

' . . . her radiance scares me,
or perhaps I have caught her
. '
sylvia plath

rose moon, june 2, 2015

The full moon during the budding and blossoming month of June is calling us to look inside ourselves, to see through the fog of illusion, to the soul of the matter within.  This is a time for bringing your worldly dreams to fruition, but firstly you must evaluate if those dreams are faithful to those of your heart's desires.  Do not be afraid to see yourself in the radiant light of who you really are.  Look with untainted and unobscured eyes at the world around you.  Evaluate where you are in your life, and where you'd like to ultimately go.  Ask yourself where you would be happiest, and stay true to yourself.  Remember if you listen to your heart, you can do no wrong.    